miekkie piersi twarde narkotyki. 
sierpien 2018 uplyna pod tytulem Dobre Zycie przez z z kropka oczywiscie. 

soft breasts and hard drugs. 
August 2018 passed under the title Good Life. Good Life doesn't have the dot over Z. 
August 2018 passed under the action of collecting plastic bottles from places where it shouldn't be, should it be anywhere at all? no. collecting straws that starting to be unwanted but not in that place where we found them. we found them everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. under, on, behind. 

sometimes traveling makes you stop to believe in anything, like you perhaps believed in everything before you travelled, didn't you, no you did not anyway believe in anything since a long time. why does it hurt then? 
sometimes tho there is a good sense of hope that flies into your dark heart and lights it up for a minute of 30. 

now you might think one day you will create something that can speak and love this world badly perhaps also change it for better, maybe this one won't love money, won't be a ceo, or a butcher, or a plastic producer, this one will be zero waster for sure. this time will come.